About Kazuhiro Hatakeyama

<Now >
He mainly works as hairdresser in Japan and Paris.
Such as two weeks in Japan and two weeks in Paris.
He sometimes teaches skill for French hair dresser and Japanese hairdresser in Paris.
Also work and Interview for magazine are part of his job.
His strength is perfect skill for hair dressing and intelligence for photograph.

<Until 13th November 2011>
He is currently working in Moga hair salon which is located near Bond street station in London.
It has been there for 3years from 2008.
Kaz's passion has always tried to make the hair style perfectly for the guest since the day he became hair dresser when he was the age of 17.
He had worked in Japan for 8years before arrived London.
He was a Top stylist last 2years, also got some prizes in contests.

Thanks for working in London, his clients are from all over the world.
His interest is being a global hair dresser so that he can meet the clients somewhere again.
Also he will meet new clients.
He believes that the clients are treasure for him.
To keep working abroad, he has decided to try to be the best hair dresser for the every guest he meets.
He promises that always improves his skill every time you meet, so that you will have happy hair style.
His passion is growing bigger and bigger!

<From 13th December 2011>
He opened his own hair salon called "rin " in Yokohama Japan.
It is private hair salon to make sure he can make his customer's hairstyle all by his self.
rin started Aesthetic, also Photo office.
His stage is still in the world.
He will be anywhere if there is job.


本名 畠山 和宏
Hatakeyama Kazuhiro

1982年 6月1日京都で生まれ、横浜で育つ。
was born in Kyoto, grow up in Yokohama, Kanagawa.

1998年 山手学院高等学校入学
entered to Yamate Gakuin High School.

2000年 17歳の4月高校3年生になると同時に、美容師のアシスタントとして、美容院で働き始める。高校に通いつつ、サロンワークの毎日。
has started to work as hairdresser the age of 17.

2001年 東京MAX美容専門学校入学。
entered to Tokyo Max Hair Beauty College in Tokyo.

2003年 3月国家資格を取得、美容学校を卒業。
has got certificate for hair dresser, graduated the beauty college.

C-LOOP UNITED 入社。アシスタントとして練習に明け暮れる。
joined C-LOOP UNITED hair salon. worked as an assistant.

2005年 スタイリストデビュー。
became Stylist
  • 7月 神奈川県美容技術技術選手権大会 準優勝 
    got silver prize in Yokohama Kanagawa.
  • 10月BIGI CUP 2005 女性モード社賞 受賞
    got prize from journalism "Josei Mode" in Yokohama

2006年 トップスタイリストへ昇格。
became Top Stylist
  • Snip フォトコンテスト 月間最優秀賞  
    got Gold prize in the magazine "Snip".
  • Snip フォトコンテスト 月間優秀賞
    got excellent in the magazine "Snip" 
  • 6月 ウェラトレンドビジョン 関東エリアファイナルに選抜
    was chosen as a finalist in "Wella Trend Vision" in Tokyo
  • 9月 関西最大のコンテスト、三都杯デザイナーズコンテスト 優秀賞
    got excellent in the biggest contest in west of Japan "Santo Cup"
  • MoltoBene 2006 Designer's Congress
2006 モルトベーネデザイナーズコングレス 全国大会のファイナリストに選抜。
was chosen as a finalist in all over Japan

  • HAIR COLORING COMPETITION  ar賞 受賞 [選考:「ar」編集部と一般読者による投票] 
    got special award in the magazine "ar"

    • 6月 ウェラトレンドビジョン 東京エリアファイナリストに選抜  
      was chosen as a finalist "Wella Trend Vision " in Tokyo
    • 8月 参加人数530人の関東最大級のコンテストJust cut 14位
      was chosen 14th in the biggest contest "Just Cut"in Tokyo area.

    • 9月 渡英
      has moved to UK

    • MOGA hairsalon にてサロンワーク開始。
      has started working in Moga hair salon in Bond Street, London ,UK.
    • サロンワークを中心としつつ、ヘアメーク、撮影。
      worked for hair salon ,hair make ,photo shoot


    • 9月1日、美容師理容師部門で、ブログ日本一に。それと同時にブログ休止。
      became the first blogger in Japanese hair dresser, stopped writing blog

    • 11月14日帰国
      went back to Japan

    12月13日、帰国後一ヶ月、小さなアトリエのような美容室、「rin」 をオープン
    opened own hair salon 「rin」

    • 1月13日、「rin PhotoOffice」を開業。フォトグラファーとしても仕事を始める
      has set up 「rin PhotoOffice」, started working as a photographer as well
    • 3月13日
      rin Hair Aesthetic として、エステも始める
      rin has started Aesthetic
    •  渡仏
    • 年末ライブなど大きなイベント会場での撮影も手掛け、美容師だけでなく、フォトグラファーとしての活躍の場も広げる

    • ベルナール氏と出会い、パリPiano Coiffureにて働き始める

    • 12月は恒例の年末ライブの撮影の為、帰国

    • 日本とパリを往復しながら働き始める。美容師、フォトグラファーとしても働きながら、フランスの美容師向けに講師として講習、日本では雑誌の取材を受けるなど、活躍の場をさらに広げる。